Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alrighty then. Well, I hope some of you can check out my blog sometime. I've had really exciting events happen, and I haven't had the time to post those events. It's because I'm on facebook all day. Hope you can check it out. Let me see if I have something interesting to tell you. Well, I got my bike fixed! I was riding it to soccer practice when I wanted to take the car,but my mom always want us to ride our bikes there. So this time I said yes. We had rid over some as I call it "spiky poppers." Our tires got flat,and our friend had to come and pick us up. Thank You Chris! Never again will I ride my bike to soccer practice! Anyway, don't feel shy to write some posts. Honestly. Don't feel shy. Please don't be shy!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sorry about those two mix ups about Natalie and Abbey. I didn't mean to write the same story in different words.
So I had two awesome people spend the night at my house last month.They were my moms friends kids.Their names are Abbey & Natalie.They are so cute,funny,and awesome! Abbey and Natalie love me...YAY! I see them at the farmers market every Thursday. Natalie bought me a bracelet,so I bought her one.She tricked me at first saying that she was going to keep the bracelet to remember me then she gave it to me that's when i bought her one.Then i bought Abbey one, they both loved it! Abbey wants me to spend the night at her house. I guess we will see if I can.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Last month i had my friend Hailey over. She believed in ghosts i don't she was communicating with them like nuts. Saying stuff like "are you a male or female","what is your name." She was crazy with them.If some of you know the show "ghost whisper" she was acting like Melinda she was telling me that they crossed over. Well if some of you believe in ghosts that is ok because i don't believe in them well by!